Pear Tarte
Published on October 29, 2012
The Rogue Valley is a haven for Pears, it is after all the home of Harry & David. So having a good pear recipe on hand is always a much in the fall…
Here is a Pear Tarte recipe from our Swedish friends from LeParfait.
It’s fairly simple to make and wonderful to enjoy 🙂

Photo By: Ulrika Ekblom
Preheat oven to 200 C°/390 F°.
Roll out a round ready made puff pastry sheet into a pie dish and clean the edges from remaining pastry.
Pinch the dough with a fork.
Make the filling by mixing 2/3 cup of grated almond paste, 3 tbsp of muscovado sugar and 1/2 a stick of melted butter with an electric whisk.
Peel and core 4-5 pears and slice them into thin slices.
Add a little lemon juice to prevent discoloring.
Now spread the almond filling in the pie shell and arrange the pear slices in a wheel.
Dust some powdered sugar on the pears.
Brush the pie edges with egg wash and bake in the lower section of the oven for about 30 minutes. Let cool.
When serving add a little more powdered sugar on top, or maybe a scoop of vanilla ice cream..