We Will Rebuild

Published on December 27, 2015

We have been so touched by the intense outpouring of support from our community – those who live both near and far away. We knew that the Mill meant a lot, but had no idea just how much the Mill meant to so many of you. We have had a constant stream of well wishes, stopping by the Mill and on Facebook. Thank you.

Because of that, today we have decided thatย we are going to try to rebuild!

2015-12-27Here is what we know right now:

  • We believe the millstones are intact. (this was a big part of our decision to rebuild)
  • It looks as if the lower level (basement) may be able to to be saved
  • We have begun recovering the antiques and important pieces from the Mill
  • Initial conversations seem to indicate that if we can save 30% of the original Mill (including the foundation) we may be able to stay on the National Register of Historic Places
  • We’ve heard from Senator Jeff Merkley that there may be some Federal funds available to help rebuild

We know it won’t be easy. We know that it can’t ever be the same as it was. And we know that there may, ultimately, be hurdles to large to cross. But we’re going to try. With your help, we are going to try.

We can’t do this on our own. Our success will have come from you, our community.

Thank you all for your ongoing support, we are thankful to have such wonderful friends, in our town, state, and around the world.


  1. Lorin W. Myers on 2015 at 5:41 pm

    Bob & Family we are currently away from home in Texas with our son and his family, but we have been praying for all of you since hearing about the fire on my fire dist. pager last Friday AM. We are behind you 100%, don’t have alot of funds, but will try to help out in some way with the rebuilding when we get home.

    Chaplain Lorin & Lois Myers

    7 FAMILY, BUT WE AE WITH YOU 1005. Don’t

    • Butte Creek Mill on 2015 at 5:43 pm

      Everything helps, prayers and labor matter! Appreciate your support.

  2. Art on 2015 at 6:03 pm

    Kickstarter has seen many projects pledged to 100% (and more!) of initial project goals. I’ve seen three projects that I made small pledges to in order to help get them off the ground. A Butte Creek Mill donation has already been made but I’d love to see a crowdfunding effort go way over the top with both the Butte Creek Mill’s own Webpage donation facility as well as Kickstarter or some national/international crowdfunding sources. This was a dark Christmas for Butte Creek Mill lovers, none the more so than for the Russells. DO REBUILD; your community will support you!

    • Butte Creek Mill on 2015 at 6:24 pm

      Thank you Art. We are trying to keep donations on our website so that more of the proceeds can go to help our rebuilding efforts. But we would cheerfully accept any crowdfunding ideas you have that we can use through our website.

  3. Celia Ashby on 2015 at 6:07 pm

    So thankful for your stamina and resolve. Prayers and help. It is part of my family, Putmans, want to see in “become” again.

  4. Kevin Sanderson on 2015 at 6:16 pm

    Mary and I will help in any way possible, do let us know if you could use help via manual labor. Welding, Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, and or Anything that might and can help. We love the Mill and the folks that run it.

  5. Rachel on 2015 at 6:21 pm

    My family will help in any way you need. We love our community and its not the same without our Mill. Whatever you need we are here to help!

  6. Jen on 2015 at 6:21 pm

    We can help! How do we sign up to volunteer?

  7. Bob Batte on 2015 at 6:21 pm

    Bob our prayers are with you and your family. We support your decision and hope to support financially. God Bless

  8. The Young Family on 2015 at 7:03 pm

    So glad to hear you’re going to try to rebuild! I have three sets of able hands already signed up to volunteer and when our budget rolls over in January we’ll donate too.

  9. Ron Chappell on 2015 at 8:14 pm

    My Wife Judi and I and the Central Point Woodcarvers are so so sorry for your loss and are here to help in any way we can.

    Ron Chappell – President of the Central Point Woodcarvers

    • Butte Creek Mill on 2015 at 8:23 pm

      Thank you Ron! If you get a chance, will you sign up on our volunteer list here?

  10. Holly Conrad on 2015 at 2:24 am

    So sorry Bob to hear the Mill burned down! We have been praying for you and will continue to do so! After living in Oregon for 33 years and going to the Mill frequently; we were heartbroken to hear about this….I grew up in Eagle Point…Glad to hear you are rebuilding!! ๐Ÿ™‚ We are in Florida, but our prayers go with you! Love~Holly & Jonathan

  11. Dara Crockett on 2015 at 2:51 am

    I loved this mill… Told many people about it, and referred them your way. Sadly, I think it is gone. It’s hard to fathom, but I don’t think that “rebuilding” is an option, It’s gone. What happened? How did this fire even start? I am depressed, but spending money on rebuilding is crazy. If the historical reality is gone, then there is no point in rebuilding; it makes no sense. And I read that there were pieces in the office that were also destroyed. Apparently, there is nothing left. We have to just accept it, no matter how hard that may seem. “Rebuilding” defeats the purpose.

  12. Rip and Georga VanWinkle on 2015 at 6:09 am

    The Mill has been such a wonderful treasure to the Rogue Valley. So happy to hear you will rebuild. We are currently traveling, but as soon as we get home will contribute financially what little we can. Ever since retiring to the Valley, the mill has been a very special place to us and all our visitors. God bless and keep you and your family – know what a difficult year this has been.

    Rip and Georga VanWinkle

  13. Laura Borges on 2015 at 6:00 pm

    You can’t have the old Mill back obviously, but you can rebuild. It’s not only the age, it’s the spirit. Back in the day, if this had happened 100 years ago, it would have been rebuilt without a thought. Just because most of the building get has been destroyed doesn’t mean there isn’t a I story to build. What kind of community would we be if we didn’t rally around something so important to our hearts? And where does that lackadaisical attitude end?
    Go for it! Rebuild that beauty!

    • Glenda on 2015 at 6:15 pm

      Agreed. $$ donation on the way!!!

    • Holly Conrad on 2015 at 8:17 am

      I know in my heart the people of Eagle Point will come together to make it happen! We have a tight community that cares…That’s what matters! I’ve been going to the Mill for 33 years and lived in Eagle Point. My family still lives there and I would be sad if they didn’t rebuild! I’m proud of them for rebuilding. It makes only sense to carry on with something that has made so many people happy for so long! Please don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t rebuild! Of course you can! And you will! ๐Ÿ™‚ (FYI- I still have bags of arrowroot in my pantry)…. Have faith and God will provide!

  14. Ann McCaughan and Susan Kiefer on 2015 at 6:43 pm

    We cried to hear this tragic news. We always bring visitors to the Mill and we keep our favorite waffle and scone mixes on hand at all times.
    We’ve signed the volunteer list and made an initial donation to the rebuilding fund.
    Stay strong Bob and family. You are very loved and appreciated!

  15. Larry & Sherry Self on 2015 at 8:44 pm

    We remember, Bob, when you took my husband, our son from Iowa and myself up to your office. This was not open to the public but you showed us your fabulous collection of antiques. I sure hope a lot of them made it through the fire. Our son was shocked to hear what happened. We will never forget that special tour. Larry and I will sign up on the volunteer list. Thank you for rebuilding

  16. E Weaver on 2015 at 9:50 pm

    When my mother called to tell us that the mill had burned down I nearly cried. Every time we went up to Ashland we always made a point of visiting the mill and stocking up on our favorite Buckwheat Pancake mix. We will have to make our current supply last until we can visit the re-built mill and stock up again. It was always a pleasure to visit the mill and wander thru the country store. We have sent a donation already and hope that you will be able to make the new mill a reality.

  17. Paul Daneker on 2015 at 8:20 am

    Sure hope the mill is rebuilt soon for we are getting low on molasses and grits. Couldnt have happened at a worse time.

  18. Skip and Charlotte Geear on 2015 at 7:38 pm

    Bob and family: We are absolutely heartbroken about the fire and the devastation of the Butte Creek Mill. The mill was like family to us and the Butte Creek Mill was the biggest icon in all of Southern Oregonโ€ฆand possibly the entire west coast as well. The Butte Creek Mill is Eagle Point! We spent most of Christmas morning at the mill site grieving the loss. Being an avid collector myself I can totally identify with the demise of your fabulous toy and antique collection that was upstairs in your โ€œman caveโ€. I am very thankful that I had the privilege to see the collection many times previously. As you know, I was one of the volunteers on the Miscellany Antiques fire in Medford last year helping to dig through the rubble to find and save precious lost treasures, so I can identify with what you are going through at present with your loss.

    Charlotte and I at the Wood House are ready to go and we will give you all of our support! We have signed up on the volunteer list and we will help you in anyway that we can……and our volunteers at the Wood House are ready to pitch in as well. Whatever help you needโ€ฆ.you’ve got it from the Wood House!

    Again, we are deeply saddened by your loss but you will get through this with the great community support that you are receiving. Rebuilding might be an uphill battle in some areas, but with all of the folks in the community that are backing both you and the Butte Creek Mill, the job will get done!!!

  19. Dana & Susan STRAIGHT on 2015 at 7:55 pm

    Dear Bob & family, So sorry for the tragic loss to you and the family. I took the liberty to contact “This Old House” back East to describe the loss and to request consideration and assistance in rebuilding this great old mill. Deadline was the end of the year so in hopes the request will receive positive attention. They are always looking for old historic homes to restore so thought this would be a perfect project. They wanted rebuilding plans and potential funding etc. but due to time constraint a brief description of a 143 year old historic landmark viewed as the capitol of Eagle Point was sent indicating your ownership. Maybe a prayer or two will help the request along. My wife already misses the place as she bought all our condiments there as well as other items. We are willing to assist when the time is right for you. The Straights

  20. Linda Gumm/Jones on 2016 at 10:52 am

    We visited my daughter and her family in Grants Pass, from Houston Texas, and they took us to the Mill. We LOVED it!! It was in our plans to visit it again when we get back up to Oregon. When my daughter shared this devastating news with us we were shocked and saddened. By faith I KNOW you will be successful in rebuilding and we WILL visit there again!! Thank you for the memories we hold dear and for the new memories we will encounter.